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a certain point in life

“I always told myself that when I reached a certain point in life, I’d get a dog. I thought maybe when I get my own home. Or when I’m more settled. But that point never seemed to come. So I decided to go ahead and adopt. The majority of the dogs at the pound were pit bulls. I originally wanted a younger dog, but this one had a red card on her cage, which meant that she was going to be euthanized. She was emaciated and had kennel cough. But when I reached out my hand, she licked it. I named her ‘Adidas’ because I wanted a running partner. But that dream ended pretty early. All she wants to do is hug and kiss and lay on you. She doesn’t care who you are. If she senses that you’re the least bit receptive to her, she’s coming right toward you. Just a few minutes ago she jumped into somebody’s wheelchair. It’s made me more of a people person. I’m always having to explain to people why she’s trying to kiss them.”